Hannah Lyons: “Assembling the nation: spatialising young, religious American’s affective experiences of the nation, fear and danger in the everyday”


The research project advances understandings of national identity and everyday geopolitics through considering how affective atmospheres and the more-than-representational work to shape identity and geopolitical imaginations across different spatialities. The key research questions are:
• How do young American Christians embody and navigate national identity within the everyday and across different spaces and atmospheres?
• How do the non-human and intangible affect the geopolitical imaginations of young people and their experiences of fear, danger and belonging?

It considers young (16-23 year olds), American Christians’ embodiment and navigation of their national identity through the everyday and considers how different spaces and atmospheres work to (re)produce national identity and also perceptions and experiences of danger and fear. Specifically the research intends to consider the relationship between Christianity and American identity, looking at if, and how, these work together to affect feelings of national identity through the everyday.

Research was conducted over a 12 month period in Bellingham, Washington, USA.


