Information for Supervisors

Supervisor Responsibilities


NINE DTP supervisors have a number of responsibilities:

  • to assist applicants with the application process and to complete the nomination form for the Studentship Competition.
  • to ensure timely completion of the PhD. Our expectation is that the thesis is submitted for examination on or as soon as possible after the end of award date.
  • to develop a flexible programme of supervisory meetings in response to student needs.
  • to comply with institutional requirements concerning supervisory arrangements, e.g. through formalisation of expectations of both staff and students in a learning agreement and keeping agreed written records of supervisory meetings and actions. Our normal expectation is that there is a minimum of 10 structured interactions between the main supervisor and the student each year, with the full supervisory team meeting at least three times each year.
  • To oversee the Development Needs Analysis process and ensure that the award-holder’s training needs are assessed and accommodated.
  • To provide letters of support for funding applications to the DTP and to fulfil annual reporting requirements.

Who can supervise a NINE DTP postgraduate researcher?

All supervisors must:

  • be demonstrably research-active and affiliated with a NINEDTP training pathway
  • have a Doctoral degree or equivalent research/professional experience
  • have completed mandatory training in Doctoral supervision

At least one member of the supervisory team:

  • must have extensive experience of doctoral supervision with at least two successful PhD completions

We also extend opportunities for joint supervision to outstanding individual researchers in partner institutions who are not in eligible training pathways. In the case of collaborative research projects, supervisory teams are encouraged to include a third supervisor from the outside partner organisation, who would not be expected to meet usual requirements.

Team Supervison

Our team model:

  • ensures that the doctoral researcher has access to at least one supervisor available at all times for the duration of the award.
  • provides informal training to less-experienced supervisors who play an equal role in pastoral support and academic supervision, while the more experienced supervisor advises the student throughout, monitors their engagement with research training and alerts them to the full range of support services.
  • allows for joint supervision enabling doctoral researchers to benefit from cross-institutional or cross-disciplinary expertise. Students are registered at a single University, where the first supervisor is based. Additional supervisors may be from other institution within or beyond the DTP, subject to university rules that may require two supervisors from the candidate’s home institution or department. Second and third supervisors are full members of the supervisory team, with agreed responsibilities and availability. NINE DTP encourages full workload recognition for all members of supervisory committees, regardless of whether the student is internal to their institution..
  • builds capacity and extends good practice in supervision across the partnership.
  • allows for external expertise to be included in project supervision.
  • Reflections of a Supervisor

    Read a supervisor's personal reflections on the nature and role of a doctoral supervisor.


    Supervisor Tips

    Things to consider when preparing a potential candidate's nomination.


    What can Supervisors expect from NINE DTP?

    • Regular updates and information on ESRC studentships and ESRC Postgraduate Training Guidelines
    • Regular updates on training events
    • Support in ensuring your students’ research training needs are met
    • Advice for your students in applying for funding from the DTP, including support for training events, overseas fieldwork, conferences, overseas institutional visits, placements and internships
    • Additional support for your students where consultation with ESRC is required.