Cohort Development … & more

NINE DTP wants to provide you with opportunities to shape your own Doctoral training experience. We therefore not only offer all students the opportunity to provide suggestions for new training courses, but also actively encourage our scholars to create, develop, and lead events and activities of their own design.

We can provide support and funding for our scholars to run conferences, training sessions, and formal or informal events or gatherings that are designed to stimulate research, creativity, and discussion. The foci of these sessions can be themed by subject, discipline, methodological theory or practice. They could also focus on items related to the wider research environment, for instance in developing research impact and knowledge exchange activities, research ethics, or the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Event Proposal Form

Download the NINE DTP Event Proposal Form form here

Event Proposal Form

These events can provide participants with opportunities to engage in multi- or inter-disciplinary research activities, whilst working collaboratively in a supportive environment with their peers.

NINE DTP is particularly keen to encourage training and activities which relate to engagement with non-academic partners, and the development of transferable skills which can assist our scholars to succeed in both academic and non-academic endeavours.

If you have any ideas, comments, or suggestions about any activities that you would like to see included in the DTP calendar, or any events which you yourself might like to facilitate, please fill in the form here and send to [email protected]
