Dr Sarah Metcalfe: “‘Gender, young people and schooling: Pathways for challenging gender norms”

In Fellows by General Account

NINE DTP Postdoctoral Fellow: 2019-20

Project Description:

My project, titled, ‘Gender, young people and schooling: Pathways for challenging gender norms’ is designed to explore mechanisms through which PE environments can become more gender-inclusive and engaging for all young people. My ESRC-funded PhD research identified that many young people feel ‘trapped’ in presenting a gendered identity that is congruent with dominant and stereotypical representations of masculinity and femininity. These norms, in turn, influence how PE is experienced. Through impact and engagement activities, my project will explore teachers’ perceptions of the problem of gender in schools, work collaboratively with PE teachers to identify examples of best practice, and work with national organisations and charities to disseminate my research to wider audiences.

Key publications:
Metcalfe, Sarah Nicola & Lindsey, Iain (2019). Gendered trends in young people’s participation in active lifestyles: The need for a gender-neutral narrative. European Physical Education Review: 1356336X1987409.
Metcalfe, S. (2018). Adolescent constructions of gendered identities: the role of sport and (physical) education. Sport, Education and Society 23(7): 681-693.