Between 2013 and 2017 I studied to become a Speech and Language Therapist on the BSc Speech and Language Sciences programme at Newcastle University.
During the third year of my studies I began research into applying the BCTT to Speech and Language Therapy in a summer research programme. The BCTT is a list of techniques behavioural psychologists use in effecting change in their clients. Applying it to Speech and Language Therapists is the most recent and most widely acknowledged effort in attempting to specify the techniques SLTs use in practice. It will improve the development, reporting and replication of SLT interventions, as well as SLT student’s learning.
The summer research project in which I participated focused on applying the BCTT to an intervention for children with speech disorders through coding video recordings of SLT sessions. The work produced, a full report and research poster, was shared with others exploring and developing the BCTT, and used as a basis in my final year research project. This focused on applying the BCTT to children’s language interventions reported in recent research. During this time I also fulfilled the role of research assistant in a project which involved applying the work produced from the summer research programme to learning and teaching tool, Video Enhanced Observation. The final outcome of this – a functional video observation tool – will be used in supporting student learning and reflection in Speech and Language studies at Newcastle University.
The next four years of study and research will build on the research I have already participated in, and will contribute to improving SLT practice.