Training, Development & Employability
NINE DTP’s Training, Development & Employability (TD&E) Committee works to determine current and future development needs as well as documenting where students may have achieved the learning outcomes of a competent social science researcher via previous learning or experience.
Working in partnership with NINE DTP staff and academic leadership, the TD&E Committee assesses training and development delivery, monitoring the identification of student needs through the Development Needs Analysis (DNA) and analysing broader student experience across the lifetime of the studentship.
The TD&E Committee is chaired by the NINE DTP Deputy Director – Training and supported by specialist advisors from internal and external areas.
Development Needs Analysis (DNA)
Employability Outcomes
DNA is fundamental to achieving flexible and responsive doctoral training and a more bespoke student experience. NINE DTP students benefit from a tailored DNA experience that allows for specific training needs, learning outcomes and Research in Practice elements to be clearly defined.
At the outset of the PhD, the DNA is used to inform the structure of funding that is appropriate for each student, taking account of prior knowledge and experience. At a minimum we expect this to be reviewed annually.
Through the DNA, students identify a suite of options that can develop their skills in a number of core areas relating to employability, including:
• Ability to apply research skills in different research contexts
• Ability to collaborate across sectoral and disciplinary boundaries
• Communication with impact, developing networks, entrepreneurship and leadership skills
• Ability to proactively engage in their own personal development and career direction