Edward Jiru Zeng: “Topics, Strategies and Women’s Political Behaviour in Legislatures: A Cross-Regional Study among Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan based on Parliamentary Speeches (1999-2023)”

In Students by General Account

Institution: Durham University

NINE DTP Pathway: Politics and International Relations

Email Address: [email protected]

My PhD project researches the parliamentary archives about women’s political participation in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, with a special focus on the speeches (incl.: parliamentary speeches, questions and debates) of the legislators. Within the research, gender would be taken as the independent variable to explore the effects of gender on parliamentary floor participation, speech topics and rhetoric - the differences between male and female legislators will be addressed. Other covariates, such as age, education, political experiences, political affiliation and the female descriptive representation are also to be considered. As previous research on gender and political participation predominantly focuses on American, European and African regions, the present project would also provide new evidence of gendered effects in political participation contextualised in East Asian and Chinese cultures. In the end, a theory on how gender influences floor participation in Chinese cultural contexts would be developed with the interplay of neoliberalism, Confucianism and party-state systems. Meanwhile, an encouragement and betterment of women’s political participation are to be brought about as a more realistic call-to-action plan for gender equality and justice.

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jiru-Zeng

Twitter: @tseng_edwa63127
