Benjamin Rigby: “Failure to move: how interplay between evidence, policy and practice has constrained physical activity promotion”

In Former students by jvnf65


Increasingly examinations of contemporary cultures explore how to optimally encourage physical activity due to its association with the prevention of noncommunicable diseases and mental illness. However, inactivity is a significant social issue, particularly in developed nations. This research will focus on two core propositions to explore how physical activity promotion has been constrained and how equitable solutions for progress may be developed:

  1. Weak evidence results in inherently conflicting and ambiguous physical activity policy, thus constraining implementation efforts.
  2. Political entrepreneurs may offer more effective solutions for policy development and practice.

In addressing these important considerations, it is hoped that this research will contribute to knowledge by understanding processes and mechanisms which may increase the likelihood of evidence-use in physical activity policy-making, as well as factors important for successful implementation. In turn, this may enable greater access to and uptake of physical activity amongst the most inactive sub-populations.