Phevos Simeonidis: “Frozen assets: Posthumous politics and the governance of bodies discovered on the Greece-Turkey border”

In Students by General Account

I’m an OSINT & audiovisual forensics researcher and an archivist, and an MA graduate of the Centre for Research Architecture of Goldsmiths, University of London. During the past years I’ve been the director and co-founder of Disinfaux Collective in Athens, Greece, and a frequent collaborator of -among others- Forensic Architecture, Lighthouse Reports, The Manifold, and OmniaTv. My work examines and investigates far/alt-right narrative creation and performativity online, militarized border regimes and surveillance, and human rights violations in the external borders of the EU.

My PhD research at Durham focuses on the governance of migrants’ dead bodies as an extension of the
governance of migration. It locates the international politics of identifying, investigating, returning, and burying
remains at the intersection of claims, counter-claims, and disputes of national sovereignty and states’ responsibilities, focusing primarily on deaths at the border between -among other states- Greece and Turkey.