My undergraduate study for the BA in Anthropology at Durham University concluded with my dissertation: ‘Cosmopolitanism, transnationalism, and national identity: what does it mean to be Greek in Durham?’. Enrolled in the 1+3 pathway, my ESRC-funded research will focus on the stories and lives of Greek migrants in the UK, in the shadow of the Brexit decision, and will add to our knowledge of emerging models of citizenship in Europe. Focusing on the understudied professional, managerial class of the European South, my proposed PhD will examine migration in its connection to critical events, perceptions of what constitutes a worthy life and hopes for the future. In terms of regionally specific knowledge, my research will examine the applicability of a number of cultural concepts (such as those of immigration, xenitia, and cultural intimacy) in cosmopolitan settings. The theoretical contribution of the proposed study regards the analysis of the rhizomatic and relational character of subjectivity in its historical and (multi)cultural density.