Supervisors: Dr Luca Panzone; Prof. Chris Seal; Prof. John Wildman
My name is Elena Benedetti, I am a native Italian Master graduate student. First, I hold a Bachelor Degree from the University of Urbino in Economics focusing expecially on marketing, management and political economics. My Bachelor thesis focused on agricultural economics. It was about the social sustainability of the biological agricultural in my region, Marche, with “Con Marche Bio” consortium.
After my BSc, I completed an MSc in Environmental Economics in the University of Siena. My Master thesis was on sustainability applied to the wine sector, and I carried out a contingent valuation on wine consumers of the “Fattoria del Cerro” to understand how much consumers were willing to pay for a more sustainable product. I chose this course because I am interested in issues concerning food security, with particular interest on renewable energy, climate change, and the management of natural resources.

After my Master degree, I had the opportunity to do an internship within the Erasmus placement framework. I worked as a visiting researcher in the “School of Agricultural, Food and Rural Development” of the Newcastle University for three months. During this time, I was involved in the management and preparation of complex dataset to be used in a project on the consumption of alcoholic drinks in the UK, as well as related econometric analysis (Stata Statistical Software); and in the analysis of trends and consumption of British pulses for sustainable consumption under the supervision of Dr Luca Panzone in a team of 4 academics to explore the benefits of increasing consumption of pulses in human diets.
From February to July 2017 I have been working as a research and consultancy assistant at Nomisma (Wine Monitor) in Bologna (Italy). Here, I have worked on data management and statistical analysis, consultation of secondary data sources, support for setting up market analysis activities and market analysis, as well as in support for the development of research projects and in identifying needs, scenarios and trends in the industry and context of reference.
In summary, I am a quantitative researcher, with an interest in the economics of the environment and climate change.