Doctoral Research
Awarded Economic and Social Research Council funding through the North East Doctoral Training Centre to complete my doctoral research on a full-time basis. My project explores the formation of perspectives on residential design quality among architects and town planners and is supervised by Professor Andrew Ballantyne and Professor Geoff Vigar.
Other roles and responsibilities:
Professional Groups: RIBA Housing Group (2014-present), RIBA Journal Litmus Group (2017-present), RIBA Research and Innovation Group (liaison for year of housing research theme, 2017), RTPI North East Regional Policy Sub-Committee (2009-2011), RIBA Educational Trust Fund Committee (2007-2009), RIBA North East Council (2003-2009).
Awards Assessor: RIBA Awards, North East (2016), RIBA Awards, North East (2013), RIBA Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects Travel Award (jury member, 2008).
Invited Speaker: Securing Quality through the Planning System: Getting Homes Built Event Series (Urban Design London, 2016), RIBA Guerrilla Tactics: Client Perspectives (2015), National Housing Federation: Housing Standards Conference (2015), National Housing Federation Annual Conference (keynote, 2014), Delivering Estate Renewal (Future of London, 2014), Glass House Debates: Place Potential (2013).
Contributor: Design Companion for Planning and Placemaking, contributor for Urban Design London (2017, RIBA Enterprises), Housing for the Information Age, contributor for Housing Forum (2013).
Reviewer: Housing Standards Handbook, reviewer for Levitt Bernstein (2015, National Housing Federation).
Chair: Research and Design Seminars, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (2015/2016), invited speakers included: Fellow, Geddes Institute for Urban Research, University and Research Fellow, Newcastle University Humanities Research Institute.
Course Validation/ Quality Assurance: Undergraduate External Examiner Review Committee (HASS, Newcastle University, 2016/2017), RIBA Visiting Board, The Bartlett, University College London (2007), RIBA Visiting Board, Oxford Brookes University (2007), RIBA Visiting Board, University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury (2006).
Industry Qualifications: Site Management Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS) (Construction Industry Training Board, until 2022); Coaching (Level 3) (Institute of Leadership and Management).
Expert Opinion: Estate Regeneration National Strategy (RIBA Practice News, 2017), Housing Infrastructure Fund (RIBA Practice News, 2017).