My PhD project seeks to understand the transnationalism of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. The BLM movement has established itself most clearly in urban contexts, and my project explores the relationship between neo-liberal urbanism and BLM activism. I will use a multi-sited ethnography to study BLM activism within the urban contexts of London, Sydney and Vancouver. These cities will provide political insight into why and how BLM has resonated with activists, and the types of networks that have made this possible. My research will highlight the critical importance of the relationship between race and urbanism.
Key questions are:
* Why did a movement originating in ‘small town’ America, resonate with activists transnationally?
* What role has neo-liberal urbanism played in creating a transnational BLM?
* What are the advantages and challenges of a transnational BLM movement?
* What difference does place make to how the BLM movement is understood and enacted in different urban contexts?
* How effective is transnational BLM activism in combatting racism and inequalities?
I previously studied for a Bachelors degree in Politics, and a Masters degree in Conflict, Governance and Development. In addition to studying for a PhD in Geography, I am also undertaking a PG Certificate in Research Training at Newcastle University. I am supervised by Professor Anoop Nayak, Professor Alastair Bonnett and Dr Craig Jones, all of whom are based in Geography at Newcastle University.