Thursday 24 and Friday 25 March 2022, 09:00-16:00
G.003, Urban Sciences Building, Newcastle University
Convened by Dr Raksha Pande and Zara Babakordi from the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology at Newcastle University, this two-day workshop considers the methodological and epistemological aspects of fieldwork in development contexts.
It is suitable for PhD researchers who intend to use qualitative methodologies in different international spaces.
Over the course of two days, you should hopefully:
The workshops will include testimonies from a variety of researchers who use qualitative methodologies including insights on research ethics, practical challenges, and reflexive working. There will also be opportunities for attendees to participate in small group discussions and reflective feedback sessions, adapting the information learned over the two days and applying it toward their own research contexts.
The workshop is open to all PhD researchers in the social sciences, arts and humanities who plan to engage in qualitative research in international contexts (i.e., not in the UK). Attendees are expected to attend both days of the workshop(lunch and refreshments will be provided) and the final programme (including suggested reading lists) will be available a week before the workshop takes place.
Students registered on a PhD at Newcastle, Northumbria, Durham, Sunderland, Teeside, Queen’s Belfast and Ulster Universities can attend free of charge. Catering will be provided for you, but travel/overnight accommodation costs must be covered by the participant.
You can book a place here:
The deadline to register is Friday 11 March 2022.
Places are limited, so it is first come, first served. If you are unsuccessful in securing a place, please email [email protected] to go on the waiting list. You can also use this email address to contact us with any queries.