I arrived at Durham in 2016 and completed a History BA (Hons), spending an Erasmus year at Uppsala University in Sweden (2018-19).
Since building a model cathedral in my Grandad’s garden, I have been interested in how medieval societies shaped the environment in which they lived, both physically and culturally.
The building of cathedrals, monasteries, castles, and parish churches is one self-evident way in which medieval societies impacted on their, and consequently, our landscapes. However, more subtle, and arguably, long-term changes, also occurred including land drainage and reclamation, deforestation and urbanisation.
My research seeks to explore medieval environmental relations, with a primary focus on liminal environments such as wetlands and moorlands. Specifically, I wish to investigate if settlement destabilised these fragile landscapes, whether subsequent climatic change was inevitable or anthropogenic, and what role ‘nature’ has played in shaping human history.
Research Interests:
Medieval Europe
Environmental Studies
Landscape History
Built Environment
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