31 January 2022
10:00am – 12:15pm GMT
Assertiveness is a learned skill and way of communicating that is self-assured and confident without being aggressive or forceful. It enables you to express yourself and your points of view effectively, maintain respect for other people’s rights and beliefs, and helps boost your self-esteem and earn the respect of others.
We’ll look at specific skills related to ‘assertiveness’, e.g. confidence, respect and self awareness. Then in breakout rooms you will identify, define and explore situations relating to your PhD experience that would benefit from enhanced assertiveness and negotiation skills. Using a glucard™ scenario mapping tool you’ll develop responses that will lead to more positive outcomes.
We’ll identify ‘assertiveness barriers’ to saying ‘no’ to others – e.g. your peers, supervisor, to opportunities, etc. – and saying ‘no’ to yourself using a glucard™ tool, and explore key issues/barriers and possible solutions in group discussion, graphically facilitated by how2glu. Where opposing or conflicting views might arise we’ll also look at how to negotiate.
Sabina will illustrate concepts, demonstrate tools by sharing live visualisations and respond to your particular experiences, questions and objectives.
Tickets will be released to DTP students approximately 2 months before the event; and remaining tickets will be offered to non-DTP students around one month before the event.
Book your place here – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/assertiveness-and-negotiation-skills–tickets-216890434127
If you have any access requirements or need assistance attending this course, please email [email protected].
For more information, see: https://www.how2glu.com/