In this graphically-facilitated workshop, we’ll undertake some glucard™ activities individually and in small groups and identify a range of different challenges you may face during your PhD research journey. We’ll look at confidence as a learned skill which can be shaped by the actions you take and how you respond to future experiences.
The confidence skill is about self belief, trusting others, letting go of control, asking for help and trying new things. It is a key skill for developing resilience – i.e. how you can come back stronger when faced with setbacks – and overcoming barriers that may be preventing you from maximising opportunities. We will look at how you can harness your existing skills to develop confidence and resilience and you will be able to capture realistic and manageable actions to take forward that will help you tackle future challenges and optimise potential. You will be guided through the glucard™ activities by Sabina who will graphically illustrate concepts and signpost further resources.
To register for this event, please request a ticket here.
Please note, different ticket options are available for both NINE DTP students and non-NINE DTP students. A waiting list is available and, if there is a significant amount of interest in this course, we will rerun it at a later date.
If you have any particular access requirements or need assistance, please let us know by emailing [email protected].
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